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Premiere Sawdust Session:  August 11, 2007
Topics: Mortising, table alignment, conical disk sander tips, selecting drill bits

To view each topic, click on the photos. The mortising session, because it ran so long, is divided into two parts -- click on the top of the photo to see Part 1 and the bottom to see Part 2.

1. Two ways to make a mortise -- How to make precise mortises. Part 1 shows a mortising accessory; Part 2 shows a router arm. 2. Aligning the Mark V Table -- Some neat tricks and measuring tools to align your table parallel to the blade within  thousandths of an inch.
3. Precision sanding with a conical disc sander -- Tips for sanding to precise widths and thicknesses with a conical disk sander. Especially useful for figured woods. 4. A Drill Bit Primer -- There are so many types of drill bits that it can be a bit confusing (pun intended) knowing which bit to use for what. This will help you choose (and buy) wisely.

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