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Sawdust Session 1

Produced by the Shopsmith National Woodworking Academy

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Premiere Sawdust Session:  August 11, 2007
Topics: Mortising with the mortising attachment and the router table, aligning the Mark V table, using the conical disk sander to sand a straight edge, and choosing and using drill bits
1. Two Ways to Make a Mortise -- How to make precise mortises. Part 1 shows a mortising accessory; Part 2 shows a router arm. 2. Aligning the Mark V Table -- Some neat tricks and measuring tools  to align your table parallel to the  blade within  thousandths of an inch. (Note: This is the only active link in this free sample.)
3. Precision Sanding with a Conical Disc Sander -- Tips for sanding to precise widths and thicknesses with a conical disk sander. Especially useful for figured woods. 4. A Drill Bit Primer -- There are so many types of drill bits that it can be a bit confusing (pun intended) knowing which bit to use for what. This will help you choose (and buy) wisely.

bonus video shop tips

Ten-Cent Mortising Gauge -- Using a dime to set the all-important gap between the mortising bit and the mortising chisel. Vernier Scales for the Adjustable Stop Collar-- Stick-on measuring tapes you can use to adjust your table height in thousandths of an inch.

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