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Sawdust Session #13:  February 9, 2008
Topics: Creating bent wood parts for an elegant breakfront cabinet, by laminating slender strips of wood, making coping-and-sticking joints for curved cabinet doors,  aligning the auxiliary table  on your Mark V, plus Drew's Interludes on using hand planes and unclogging the Dust Collector.

To view each topic, click on the photos.

1. Laminate Bending -- An easy way to bend wood is to glue up thin strips in a bending form. The laminated strips hold the curve when the glue dries. We show how to make the curved parts of the breakfront cabinet.

2. Coping and Sticking Joints in Curved Doors  -- These decorative cabinet door joints include shaped surfaces that mate perfectly. We show how to make them in curved door frame parts on a router table.

3. Aligning Auxiliary Tables -- We show step by step how to align the auxiliary table in your Mark V table system so you can use it in both the base and the headrest. 4. Drew's Interludes-- In Interlude 1, Drew uses several hand planes to fit cabinet doors. In Interlude 2, he single-handedly locates and removes a clog from the bowels of a Shopsmith Dust Collector.

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